1. 3/00/1854, Detroit, Michigan, seized by the collector of customs for a violation of United States revenue laws;; Master: Austin, Jr., William, (1839); Peters, William, (1841);
1. 3/00/1854, Detroit, Michigan, seized by the collector of customs for a …
1. 10/00/1831, at mouth of Grand River, ashore and released;; Master: Church, Ebenezer, (1817); Brown, Noah, (1817); Bolivor, John, (1818); Atkinson, Joseph P., (1832); Wiard, Osbea, (1833); Atkinson
1. 10/00/1831, at mouth of Grand River, ashore and released;; Master: Church, …
1. 11/6/1819, Lake Erie, damaged by a strong gale and repaired;2. 11/5/1820, Black Rock, lost a person overboard;3. 12/10/1821, near Buffalo, Lake Erie, hull damaged in a storm and repaired;4. 10/(15
1. 11/6/1819, Lake Erie, damaged by a strong gale and repaired;2. 11/5/1820, …
1. 00/00/1812, Lake Erie, captured by the British;2. 9/10/1813, Lake Erie, recaptured by the Americans;3. 00/00/1813, (Thames River), Chatham, Ontario, burned and scuttled;*
1. 00/00/1812, Lake Erie, captured by the British;2. 9/10/1813, Lake Erie, recaptured …