Master: Angel, David W., (1845-1849); Blue, Robert H., (1849); Rateel, John A., (1852);
Master: Angel, David W., (1845-1849); Blue, Robert H., (1849); Rateel, John A., …
1. 10/00/1840, near Ashtabula, Lake Erie, damaged by a whirlwind and repaired;2. 6/7/1847, Conneaut, Lake Erie, collision, (sank Schooner, John Porter), sank, (passengers);3. 6/23/1847, Safe was rais
1. 10/00/1840, near Ashtabula, Lake Erie, damaged by a whirlwind and repaired;2. …
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Made possible by a grant from the Paxson Offield Family Foundation