- Official No.: 105476 or 125426; 1. 8/19/1893, Erie, Pennsylvania, Lake Erie, caught on fire and burned;; Master: Greenway, J., (1874); Griffin, S., (1886); Robinson, A., (1890); Fratus, Joseph, (1890Official No.: 105476 or 125426; 1. 8/19/1893, Erie, Pennsylvania, Lake Erie, caught …
- Official No.: 140010; Master: Allen, A., (1874); Banchof, A. E., (1881): Finlayam, R., (1887):Official No.: 140010; Master: Allen, A., (1874); Banchof, A. E., (1881): Finlayam, …
- Official No.: 33869; Master: Gamble, G., (1872); Boonshuiter, G., (1880); Webber,James, (1884-1886); Kavanaugh, P., (1888); Kelson, A., (1889):Official No.: 33869; Master: Gamble, G., (1872); Boonshuiter, G., (1880); Webber,James, (1884-1886); …
- Other Names: Hattie A. Estell; Official No.: 90461; 1. 7/00/1874, broke her centerboard on Lake Ontario and replaced, $300 loss; 2. 5/9/1882, Pilot Island, ashore and released; 3. 00/00/1885, 20 mileOther Names: Hattie A. Estell; Official No.: 90461; 1. 7/00/1874, broke her …
- Official No.: 18747; 1. 10/8/1905, 20 miles east of Bayfield, Wisconsin, Lake Superior, caught on fire and was towed ashore at Presque Isle Point, Stockton Island where she became a total loss;; MastOfficial No.: 18747; 1. 10/8/1905, 20 miles east of Bayfield, Wisconsin, Lake …
- Official No.: 73912; 1. 00/00/1875, she was hove to for 9 days in the Atlantic Ocean, (lumber);2. 11/11/1883, Port Colborne, Lake Erie, ashore and released; (coal); 3. 7/22/1886, Bar Point, Lake ErieOfficial No.: 73912; 1. 00/00/1875, she was hove to for 9 days …
- Official No.: 61088; 1. 9/23/1884, east point of Kelley's Island, Lake Erie, ashore and released, (coal);2. 10/3/1887, Thunder Bay, Lake Huron, sank, (grind stones), (7 lives lost);; Master: Letts, GOfficial No.: 61088; 1. 9/23/1884, east point of Kelley's Island, Lake Erie, …
- Official No.: 15876; 1. 00/00/1875, Frankford, Michigan, sank;; Master: Anderson, B., (1872-1875);lOfficial No.: 15876; 1. 00/00/1875, Frankford, Michigan, sank;; Master: Anderson, B., (1872-1875);l
- Official No.: 90584; 1. 11/7/1898, Sheboygan, Lake Michigan, ashore and released; 2. 7/3/1909, Whiting, Indiana, sank;; Master: Anderson, E., (1872); Olson, H. H., (1881-1884); Miller, Louis, (1886);Official No.: 90584; 1. 11/7/1898, Sheboygan, Lake Michigan, ashore and released; 2. …
- Official No.: 105471; 1. 10/00/1872, Detroit River, struck Lime Kiln Reef and repaired, $8, 000 loss;2. 5/00/1873, South Point Island, Lake Michigan, ashore, $2, 400 loss;3. 11/10/1914, stranded betwOfficial No.: 105471; 1. 10/00/1872, Detroit River, struck Lime Kiln Reef and …
- Official No.: 24915; 1. 11/17/1884, mid-lake, Lake Erie, disabled in a storm, towed into port for repairs; 2. 11/9/1903, Duluth Harbor, sank and raised; 3. 4/26/1926, River Rouge, Michigan, sank andOfficial No.: 24915; 1. 11/17/1884, mid-lake, Lake Erie, disabled in a storm, …
- Official No.: 15874; 1. 5/00/1872, Sheboygan, Lake Michigan, collision, (Propeller, Messenger), repaired, $800 loss;2. 7/11/1913, Green Bay, Lake Michigan, ashore and became a total loss;; Master: MeOfficial No.: 15874; 1. 5/00/1872, Sheboygan, Lake Michigan, collision, (Propeller, Messenger), repaired, …
- Official No.: 14281; 1. 5/00/1874, went on the rocks in the Neebish and released, $600 loss; 2. 9/17/1877, Cleveland, broke her tow line and went ashore, released;3. 10/13/1897, 10 miles off Seul ChoOfficial No.: 14281; 1. 5/00/1874, went on the rocks in the Neebish …
- Official No.: 15850; 1. 11/16/1883, ashore and released; 2. 5/16/1885, Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, ashore and released, (iron ore); 3. 11/12/1891, Plum Island, Lake Michigan, ashore, (corn);; MasteOfficial No.: 15850; 1. 11/16/1883, ashore and released; 2. 5/16/1885, Beaver Island, …
- Official No.: 125027; 1. 11/00/1873, Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, ashore and released, $2, 700 loss;2. 8/31885, Lake Huron, dismasted mid-lake and towed into port for repairs;; Master: Coulter, JohnOfficial No.: 125027; 1. 11/00/1873, Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, ashore and released, …
- Official No.: 24978; 1. 9/19/1884, Waugoshance, Lake Michigan, collision and repaired, (coal); 2. 00/00/1921, near Corsica Shoal, Lake Huron, sank; Master: Kelley, T., (1873); Fitch, A. S., (1880); AOfficial No.: 24978; 1. 9/19/1884, Waugoshance, Lake Michigan, collision and repaired, (coal); …
- She went out of existence on the 1929 Canadian shipping list;She went out of existence on the 1929 Canadian shipping list;
- 1. 8/28/1878, Starve Island, Lake Erie, ashore and released, (iron ore);2. 5/16/1882, Starve Island, Lake Erie, ashore and released, (iron ore);3. 7/11/1899, near Ashtabula, ashore and released;; Mas1. 8/28/1878, Starve Island, Lake Erie, ashore and released, (iron ore);2. 5/16/1882, …
- Official No.: 105129; Master: Jujdson, George, (1872); Rewell, C.,(1873); Horan, C., (1878); Moran, C., (1883); Moffett, J., (1886); Becker, D. M., (1889); Gifford, M., (1894); Bradley, M. A., (1894)Official No.: 105129; Master: Jujdson, George, (1872); Rewell, C.,(1873); Horan, C., (1878); …