1. 10/15-18/1825, Cleveland, parted cables in a gale, rode out the storm reaching Detroit safely; She was at first reported ashore above Erie which later proved to be erroneous;2. 11/25/1829 East Sis
1. 10/15-18/1825, Cleveland, parted cables in a gale, rode out the storm …
1. 12/9/1825, Buffalo, ashore and released, (salt), (3 lives lost);2. 5/26/1826, Lake Erie, went to rescue of Schooner, Lake Serpent, and saved most of the cargo;; Master: Talbott, Abraham, (1825); L
1. 12/9/1825, Buffalo, ashore and released, (salt), (3 lives lost);2. 5/26/1826, Lake …
Other Names: Caroline; 1. 9/00/1837, Toledo, Lake Erie, captured by U. S. Revenue cutter while smuggling and taken to Buffalo; She was used in smuggling while on the Niagara River;2. 12/29/1837, Schl
Other Names: Caroline; 1. 9/00/1837, Toledo, Lake Erie, captured by U. S. …
1. 8/14/1822, mid lake off Cleveland, disabled, towed to Buffalo and repaired;2. 10/16/1822, Cleveland, disabled and repaired;3. 9/27/1823, Lake Erie, damaged in a storm and repaired;4. 4/22/1825, La
1. 8/14/1822, mid lake off Cleveland, disabled, towed to Buffalo and repaired;2. …