- Master: Jones, Thomas, (1847); Ryan, John, (1850);Master: Jones, Thomas, (1847); Ryan, John, (1850);
- Official No.: 33469; 1. 8/9/1853, Cornwall, St. Lawrence River, sank, cargo loss $4, 000;; Master: Hannah, (1854);Official No.: 33469; 1. 8/9/1853, Cornwall, St. Lawrence River, sank, cargo loss …
- Official No.: 33444; 1. 5/18/1852, Lake Erie, collision, (Schooner, Florence), repaired, $400 loss;Official No.: 33444; 1. 5/18/1852, Lake Erie, collision, (Schooner, Florence), repaired, $400 …
- Official No.: 33163; 1. 4/20/1854, Point Aux Barques, Lake Huron, ashore and released;2. 10/10/1874, Point Pelee, broke tow rope, ashore and hull went to pieces, (lumber);; Master: Estes, G. W., (184Official No.: 33163; 1. 4/20/1854, Point Aux Barques, Lake Huron, ashore and …
- 1. 10/22/1851, Lake Erie, collision, (Steamer, Charter), repaired, $2, 000 loss;2. 5/22/1852, Lake Erie, collision, (Alabama), repaired, $400 loss;3. 11/00/1858, St. Clair River, sank and raised, $501. 10/22/1851, Lake Erie, collision, (Steamer, Charter), repaired, $2, 000 loss;2. 5/22/1852, …
- She was noted as being repaired in 1854 register;She was noted as being repaired in 1854 register;
- She was valued at $3,500, in 1854;Home Port was Kingston, Ontario;Mills has her broken up in 1858;She was valued at $3,500, in 1854;Home Port was Kingston, Ontario;Mills has …
- 1. 10/00/1855, St. Clair River, burned, $8, 000 loss;; Master: Moody, R., (1856);1. 10/00/1855, St. Clair River, burned, $8, 000 loss;; Master: Moody, R., …
- Other Names: Eclipse; 1. 5/00/1850, off Grand River, (Canada), collision, (Steamer, Dispatch), sank;Other Names: Eclipse; 1. 5/00/1850, off Grand River, (Canada), collision, (Steamer, Dispatch), …
- Official No.: 35052; 1. 9/24/1845, Cleveland, passenger passing on a plank from propeller to a schooner, fell into the river and drowned;2. 4/25/1848, Cattaraugus Creek, Lake Erie, rescued crew and rOfficial No.: 35052; 1. 9/24/1845, Cleveland, passenger passing on a plank from …
- Other Names: West Point; Nellie Pentz; 1. 5/00/1855, St. Lawrence River, sank and raised, $5, 000 loss;2. 8/13/1862, Ragged Point, Potomac River, collision, (George Peabody), sank and raised, (76 livOther Names: West Point; Nellie Pentz; 1. 5/00/1855, St. Lawrence River, sank …
- Other Names: Hamilton; Official No.: 103337; 1. 11/10/1849, Port Darlington, Ontario, missed piers and went ashore, sank and raised, $4, 500 loss;2. 00/00/1855, Kingston Harbor, collision, (Schooner,Other Names: Hamilton; Official No.: 103337; 1. 11/10/1849, Port Darlington, Ontario, missed …
- Other Names: U. S. A. T. Northerner; State of Virginia; 1. 11/3/1851, lost a man overboard on Lake Erie; 2. 5/7/1852, St. Clair River, collision, (Schooner, Caroline), repaired, $350 loss;3. 5/9/1852Other Names: U. S. A. T. Northerner; State of Virginia; 1. 11/3/1851, …
- Other Names: U. S. S. Wolverine; 1. 6/00/1857, Erie, Lake Erie, broke her wheel and repaired, $500 loss;2. 8/00/1857, Detroit River, lost a man overboard;3. 8/12/1923, Lake Huron, broken connecting rOther Names: U. S. S. Wolverine; 1. 6/00/1857, Erie, Lake Erie, broke …
- 1. 9/28/1849, Fighting Island, Detroit River, ashore and released;2. 10/10/1853, off Pt. Aux Sable, collision, (Brig Sultan), sank, and raised, jibboom, fore topmast yards and rigging carried away, r1. 9/28/1849, Fighting Island, Detroit River, ashore and released;2. 10/10/1853, off Pt. …
- 1. 5/16/1850, Lake Erie, caught fire, burned and repaired;2. 7/31/1850, Barcelona, Lake Erie, steam pipe burst and repaired, (11 lives lost);3. 7/12/1852, Chagrin, Lake Erie, collision, (sank Propell1. 5/16/1850, Lake Erie, caught fire, burned and repaired;2. 7/31/1850, Barcelona, Lake …