- Official No.: 23466; 1. 10/00/1856, Detroit River Flats, collision and repaired, $100 loss;2. 12/00/1856, Copper Harbor, ashore and released, (provisions); 3. 11/00/1857, Lake Superior, lost with proOfficial No.: 23466; 1. 10/00/1856, Detroit River Flats, collision and repaired, $100 …
- 1. 11/24/1860, Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario, ashore, (lumber), released;1. 11/24/1860, Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario, ashore, (lumber), released;
- 1. 5/23/1853, Detroit River, collision, (Steamer, John Owen), sank, (coal), raised, $3, 000 loss;2. 12/4/1854, Chicago, ran onto her anchor, sank and raised;3. 10/00/1855, Lake Michigan, sprang a lea1. 5/23/1853, Detroit River, collision, (Steamer, John Owen), sank, (coal), raised, $3, …
- 1. 4/14/1846, collision, (Schooner, Wyandot), repaired;2. 10/00/1850, on an island in Green Bay, ashore and a total loss;; Master: Perkins, A. D., (1844);1. 4/14/1846, collision, (Schooner, Wyandot), repaired;2. 10/00/1850, on an island in Green …
- 1. 10/14/1856, Chicago, (opposite Ballentynes Distillery), parted cable and went ashore, hull went to pieces, cargo $300 loss, hull $4, 000 loss;; Master: Wilson, W., (1854); McTavish, (1856);1. 10/14/1856, Chicago, (opposite Ballentynes Distillery), parted cable and went ashore, hull …
- Other Names: Ebenezer; Official No.: 26168; 1. 5/1/1851, Buffalo, struck pier, lost small boat, repaired, $150 loss, (flour and pork);2. 5/19/1853, Lake Erie, lost her mast overboard and repaired atOther Names: Ebenezer; Official No.: 26168; 1. 5/1/1851, Buffalo, struck pier, lost …
- Master: Easton, Owen, (1841); Atkinsen, Thomas, (1841);Master: Easton, Owen, (1841); Atkinsen, Thomas, (1841);
- Official No.: 11186; 1. 11/00/1867, Lake Michigan, collision and sank, $700 loss;; Master: VanPal__, W., (1847); Davis, Alfred, (1854); Janison, A., (1856); Rierson, A., (1862); Mullins, Michael, (18Official No.: 11186; 1. 11/00/1867, Lake Michigan, collision and sank, $700 loss;; …
- 1. 4/5/1851, 6 miles below Calumet, Lake Michigan, ashore and released, $400 loss;2. 10/00/1855, near St. Joseph, ashore, (Captain lost overboard), released, $500 loss;3. 4/00/1859, Chicago, when in1. 4/5/1851, 6 miles below Calumet, Lake Michigan, ashore and released, $400 …
- 1. 4/18/1848, Calumet, Lake Michigan, ashore, (2 lives lost), released, (wheat), $13, 000 loss;2. 00/00/1849, Lake Michigan, dismasted and towed to Milwaukee for repairs, $1, 000 loss;3. 9/18/1849, L1. 4/18/1848, Calumet, Lake Michigan, ashore, (2 lives lost), released, (wheat), $13, …
- Official No.: 22915; 1. 7/00/1855, Lake Michigan, dismasted, (corn), towed into port, $1, 000 loss;2. 10/00/1858, outside the piers at Oswego, Lake Ontario, split her topsail, damaged bulwarks and smOfficial No.: 22915; 1. 7/00/1855, Lake Michigan, dismasted, (corn), towed into port, …
- Other Names: H. B. Burger; Official No.: 24160; 1. 4/18/1848, Saginaw River, ashore and released;2. 11/7/1850, Erie, ashore, (railroad iron), released;3. 11/00/1850, Lake Erie, jetted deck load, (coaOther Names: H. B. Burger; Official No.: 24160; 1. 4/18/1848, Saginaw River, …
- Official No.: 26347; 1. 4/18/1848, Mackinaw, collision, (Schooner, William & Brig, Cumberland), lost head gear and fore rigging, repaired;2. 8/(30-31)/1850, Lake Michigan, sails damaged and repaired;Official No.: 26347; 1. 4/18/1848, Mackinaw, collision, (Schooner, William & Brig, Cumberland), …
- 1854, she was listed with no value given; 1856, she was valued at $400;1854, she was listed with no value given; 1856, she was valued …
- 1. 4/17/1844, Chicago, damaged in a gale and repaired;2. 12/00/1855, Death's Door, Lake Michigan, ashore, broke anchor chain, total loss, $3, 000 loss;; Master: Shepard, Orson, (1843-1847); Galli__,1. 4/17/1844, Chicago, damaged in a gale and repaired;2. 12/00/1855, Death's Door, …
- 1. 11/3/1853, 5 miles from Lons Island, Green Bay, ashore, (salt), (supplies), $8, 500 loss;; Master: Flood, J., (1852); Owen, Easton, (1847);1. 11/3/1853, 5 miles from Lons Island, Green Bay, ashore, (salt), (supplies), …
- Master: Parker, Dexter, (1845); Mylas, W., (1845); Richards, P. H., (1847); Harrison, J., (1851); Griffon, D., (1853); Newcomb, J., (1853); Johnson, R., (1855); Dandron, A., (1858);Master: Parker, Dexter, (1845); Mylas, W., (1845); Richards, P. H., (1847); Harrison, …