- Official No.: 16449; 1. 6/10/1855, on a reef, 2 miles below Port Maitland, ashore in a fog and released, (wheat);2. 11/2/1855, Chicago Harbor, scuttled, sank and raised;3. 5/21/1856, St. Clair River,Official No.: 16449; 1. 6/10/1855, on a reef, 2 miles below Port …
- Other Names: Sylph; Waneetee; Official No.: 23919; 1. 5/1/1851, Lake Erie, lost small boat in a storm, damaged hull, repaired;2. 8/17/1851, Ashtabula, ashore and released;3. 00/00/1853, Buffalo, collOther Names: Sylph; Waneetee; Official No.: 23919; 1. 5/1/1851, Lake Erie, lost …
- 1. 11/12/1850, Rush's Creek, (7 miles above Comstock), Buffalo, ashore and released;2. 12/11/1851, 5 miles below Conneaut, (18 miles above Erie at Girard), Lake Erie, struck rocks, broke rudder chain1. 11/12/1850, Rush's Creek, (7 miles above Comstock), Buffalo, ashore and released;2. …
- 1. 11/4/1848, Dunkirk, Lake Erie, ashore, (struck the wreck of the Steamer, Columbus), sank and raised;2. 00/.00/1849, Lake Erie, collision, (Schooner, Atlas), repaired, $400 loss;3. 9/15/1853, Lake1. 11/4/1848, Dunkirk, Lake Erie, ashore, (struck the wreck of the Steamer, …
- 1. 11/00/1841, two miles east of Gravelly Bay, Lake Erie, wrecked, (chestnuts);1. 11/00/1841, two miles east of Gravelly Bay, Lake Erie, wrecked, (chestnuts);
- Master: Hopkins, W. A., (1847); Dana, W., (1849); Burnell, 2nd., William, (1853); Stone, W. T., (1855);Master: Hopkins, W. A., (1847); Dana, W., (1849); Burnell, 2nd., William, (1853); …
- 1. 10/00/1844, Goderich, ashore and released, (wheat); 2. 5/7/1845, Point Au Sable, Lake Huron, dismasted in a gale, towed into port, $500 loss;3. 10/5/1845, Avon Point, Lake Erie, ashore and wrecked1. 10/00/1844, Goderich, ashore and released, (wheat); 2. 5/7/1845, Point Au Sable, …
- Official No.: 7932; 1. 11/00/1848, Cleveland, struck pier and sank, (cheese), raised;2. 4/00/1869, Lake St. Clair, sprang a leak and became waterlogged, repaired, $3, 600 loss, (lumber);; Master: BlaOfficial No.: 7932; 1. 11/00/1848, Cleveland, struck pier and sank, (cheese), raised;2. …
- Official No.: 21142; 1. 4/21/1853, Kingston, ashore, (railroad iron), released, $1, 957 loss;2. 12/1/1853, Kenosha, damaged in a gale, (wheat), repaired, $400 loss;3. 6/00/1856, Chicago Harbor, strucOfficial No.: 21142; 1. 4/21/1853, Kingston, ashore, (railroad iron), released, $1, 957 …
- 1. 10/1/1845, Erie, Lake Erie, burst a steam pipe and returned to Buffalo for repairs; 2. 11/18/1853, Monroe, Lake Erie, ashore in a fog and released, $300 loss;; Master: Mills, W. P., (1848); Shoema1. 10/1/1845, Erie, Lake Erie, burst a steam pipe and returned to …
- 1. 8/22/1845, Chicago, sprung a leak after leaving harbor, put back and discharged, repaired, $1, 000 loss;2. 5/21/1847, South Bass Island, ashore and released;3. 6/11/1847, Saginaw Bay, collision, l1. 8/22/1845, Chicago, sprung a leak after leaving harbor, put back and …
- 1. 11/23/1845, Fighting Island, aground and released, (wheat & flour); 2. 4/18/1848, Sandusky, ashore and released;3. 11/1/1848, 45 miles from the mouth of St. Clair River, Lake Huron, collision, (Pr1. 11/23/1845, Fighting Island, aground and released, (wheat & flour); 2. 4/18/1848, …
- Official No.: 8559; 1. 9/4/1847, Bois Blanc Island, Steamer, Empire hauled off the Steamer, Niagara which was ashore;2. 7/1/1849, Grosse Point, Sheboygan Point, Lake Michigan, ashore in a fog and relOfficial No.: 8559; 1. 9/4/1847, Bois Blanc Island, Steamer, Empire hauled off …
- Other Names: Empress; 1. 11/00/1849, Black River, (Lorain, Ohio), ashore and released;2. 10/00/1856, St. Lawrence River, struck a rock, sank and raised, $3, 200 loss;3. 11/00/1858, Lake Ontario, brokOther Names: Empress; 1. 11/00/1849, Black River, (Lorain, Ohio), ashore and released;2. …
- 1. 12/12/1848, Buffalo, Lake Erie, ashore and released;2. 9/28/1849, Buffalo Harbor, Lake Erie, damaged and repaired;3. 11/19, 1851, Dunkirk, Lake Erie, ashore, (brick), $4, 500 loss;; Master: Cobb,1. 12/12/1848, Buffalo, Lake Erie, ashore and released;2. 9/28/1849, Buffalo Harbor, Lake …
- Other Names: Maid of Ottawa; 1. 4/16/1850, Port Maitland, Grand River, ashore and released;2. 5/22/1851, Chicago, swamped, sank and raised, $200 loss;3. 5/00/1857, Two rivers, ashore and released, $2Other Names: Maid of Ottawa; 1. 4/16/1850, Port Maitland, Grand River, ashore …
- 1. 9/00/1843, near Conneaut, Lake Erie, collision, sank, (Steamer, Rochester); (flour), raised;2. 10/8/1847, South Manitou, Lake Michigan; ashore, (lumber & merchandise), released;3. 9/27/1853, Racin1. 9/00/1843, near Conneaut, Lake Erie, collision, sank, (Steamer, Rochester); (flour), raised;2. …
- 1. 00/00/1845, Lake Michigan, ashore and released;2. 11/24/1847, Fairport, ashore and released;3. 4/18/1848, Marblehead, ashore and released;4. 11/9/1853, Oswego, Lake Ontario, struck the pier, sank,1. 00/00/1845, Lake Michigan, ashore and released;2. 11/24/1847, Fairport, ashore and released;3. …
- 1. 4/18/1848, Sandusky, ashore and released;2. 9/8/1865, Peche Island, Detroit River on Ontario side, ashore;; Master: Knapp, Chandler, (1842); Hamilton, A., (1849); Edmonds, S., (1849); Hopkins, W.1. 4/18/1848, Sandusky, ashore and released;2. 9/8/1865, Peche Island, Detroit River on …
- 1. 6/11/1847, Lake Erie, lost main top mast and fore-to-gallant masts, repaired;2. 11/3/1848, Buffalo, ashore, (wheat), released;3. 00/00/1849, collision, (Steamer, London), damaged and repaired, $301. 6/11/1847, Lake Erie, lost main top mast and fore-to-gallant masts, repaired;2. …