- 1. 10/22/1846, Buffalo, ashore, (wheat), released;2. 11/27/1848, Buffalo, ashore, flour & pork), released;3. 8/30-31/1850, Lake Michigan, damaged in a gale and repaired; 4. 11/15/1852, Sand Point, La1. 10/22/1846, Buffalo, ashore, (wheat), released;2. 11/27/1848, Buffalo, ashore, flour & pork), …
- 1. 9/00/1857, Lake Ontario, struck a rock, sank and raised, $3, 000 loss;2. 5/00/1858, Dunkirk Harbor, ashore and lightered off, (salt), $100 loss;3. 10/15/1865, Fairport, Lake Erie, sprang a leak, c1. 9/00/1857, Lake Ontario, struck a rock, sank and raised, $3, 000 …
- 1. 11/8/1856, Port Maitland, ashore and released;; Master: Kent, Robert, (1853); Fellowes, (1854);1. 11/8/1856, Port Maitland, ashore and released;; Master: Kent, Robert, (1853); Fellowes, …
- 1. 00/00/1854, Cleveland, Lake Erie, sank, (4 lives lost);; Master: Chase, Robert B., (1843-1844);1. 00/00/1854, Cleveland, Lake Erie, sank, (4 lives lost);; Master: Chase, Robert …
- Official No.: 18911; 1. 9/26/1852, Muskegon, ashore and released, $300 loss;2. 5/00/1855, Calumet, Lake Michigan, ashore and released, $500 loss;3. 7/19/1855, Grand Rover. Port Maitland, ashore, (lumOfficial No.: 18911; 1. 9/26/1852, Muskegon, ashore and released, $300 loss;2. 5/00/1855, …
- 1. 11/23/1842, Point Abino, ashore and released, $400 loss;2. 9/14/1848, Buffalo, ashore, sank and raised;3. 5/1/1851, Niagara River, ashore and released, $800 loss;4. 7/4/1853, East Sister Reef, Lak1. 11/23/1842, Point Abino, ashore and released, $400 loss;2. 9/14/1848, Buffalo, ashore, …
- 1. 11/1/1851, off Black River, Lake Erie, collision, (sank Schooner, Oneida), repaired; 2. 11/11/1851, Dunkirk, Lake Erie, struck a pier and repaired, $500 loss;3. 10/00/1855, Fairport, Lake Erie, lo1. 11/1/1851, off Black River, Lake Erie, collision, (sank Schooner, Oneida), repaired; …
- 1. 4/20/1851, Lake Huron, collision, (Propeller, Allegheny), repaired;]2. 11/7/1852, Lake Michigan, collision, (sank Schooner, George Watson), repaired, $300 loss;3. 11/12/1852, St. Clair River, asho1. 4/20/1851, Lake Huron, collision, (Propeller, Allegheny), repaired;]2. 11/7/1852, Lake Michigan, collision, …
- 1. 6/29/1851, Detroit River, collision, (Brig, Minnesota), repaired, $300 loss;2. 11/12/1852, Port Maitland, ashore and released;3. 4/8/1853, Chicago, sprang a leak, (grain), repaired, $300 loss;4. 81. 6/29/1851, Detroit River, collision, (Brig, Minnesota), repaired, $300 loss;2. 11/12/1852, Port …
- 1. 11/19/1846, Ashtabula, ashore and released;2. 11/00/1847, 10 miles above Milwaukee, ashore, (merchandise), released;3. 00/00/1848, Chicago, Lake Michigan, ashore and released;3. 9/23/1851, Lake On1. 11/19/1846, Ashtabula, ashore and released;2. 11/00/1847, 10 miles above Milwaukee, ashore, …
- 1. 10/8/1847, 3 miles north of Grand River, Lake Michigan, ashore;; Master: Dixon, C. K., (1846); Mulerly, F., (1847);1. 10/8/1847, 3 miles north of Grand River, Lake Michigan, ashore;; Master: …
- 1. 10/23/1848, Kelly's Island, Lake Erie, collision, (Propeller, Oneida), repaired;2. 12/15/1851, Fairport, Lake Erie, ashore and released;3. 5/10/1852, Fairport, ran into the pier and repaired, $1,1. 10/23/1848, Kelly's Island, Lake Erie, collision, (Propeller, Oneida), repaired;2. 12/15/1851, Fairport, …
- 1. 10/25/1849, near Twin Rivers, Lake Michigan, ashore and released, $500 loss;2. 10/18/1852, near Milwaukee, dismasted and refitted, $200 loss;3. 10/00/1855, Milwaukee, ashore and released, $1, 5001. 10/25/1849, near Twin Rivers, Lake Michigan, ashore and released, $500 loss;2. …
- Other Names: Carrier Pigeon; 1. 00/00/1850, she left the Great Lakes for California; 2. Mouth of Mississippi River, collision and repaired;3. She ran to the coast of Africa, picked up a cargo of slavOther Names: Carrier Pigeon; 1. 00/00/1850, she left the Great Lakes for …
- 1. 11/00/1847, Lake Michigan, collision, (Schooner, E. Morgan), repaired;2. 5/3/1849, near the Racine lightship, collision, (Schooner, Racine), $200 loss3. 7/24/1851, Twin Rivers, Lake Michigan, caps1. 11/00/1847, Lake Michigan, collision, (Schooner, E. Morgan), repaired;2. 5/3/1849, near the …
- 1. 6/11/1847, Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, collision, (Brig, Empire), repaired;2. 10/6/1847, Cleveland, Lake Erie, collision, (Propeller, Phenix), repaired;3. 4/18/1848, Fairport, Lake Erie, lost both sm1. 6/11/1847, Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, collision, (Brig, Empire), repaired;2. 10/6/1847, Cleveland, …
- 1. 6/10/1852, near Sackets Harbor, Lake Ontario, dismasted, refitted, $100 loss;2. 11/12/1852, above Erie, Lake Erie, sank, (wheat) (11 lives lost, $16, 000 loss; 3. 00/00/1854, Stoney Point, wrecked1. 6/10/1852, near Sackets Harbor, Lake Ontario, dismasted, refitted, $100 loss;2. 11/12/1852, …
- 1. 11/15/1852, South Bass Island, Lake Erie, sprang a leak, ran ashore, sank and raised, (flour), $6, 000 loss;2. 4/20/1855, Belle Island, near Hog Island, Detroit River, boiler exploded and sank, (11. 11/15/1852, South Bass Island, Lake Erie, sprang a leak, ran ashore, …
- 1. 10/13/1847, Milwaukee, ashore, (flour & beef), released;2. 11/21/1847, head of Detroit River, near the lighthouse, ashore and released, (beef, port and flour);3. 11/27/1852, Lake Michigan, ashore1. 10/13/1847, Milwaukee, ashore, (flour & beef), released;2. 11/21/1847, head of Detroit …