- She was the first Canadian steamer and was used on the St. Lawrence River; First trial run was on 11/3/1809 from Montreal to Quebec; She was launched broadside behind the old Molson Brewery; She wasShe was the first Canadian steamer and was used on the St. …
- She was the first steamer on the St. Lawrence River; Prescott is located on the St. Lawrence RiverShe was the first steamer on the St. Lawrence River; Prescott is …
- Sailed on Lake Ontario prior to 1809;Kingston Gazette, 5/31/1817: "It is hereby given, that the old schooner, Lark, will be sold at public auction at the house of J. B. Esselstyn, on the 4th day of JSailed on Lake Ontario prior to 1809;Kingston Gazette, 5/31/1817: "It is hereby …
- 1. 10/1/1812, Genesee River, captured by the British vessel, "Royal George";2. 6/16/1813, Lake Ontario, captured by the American vessel, "Lady of the Lake", and taken to Sackets Harbor as a war prize1. 10/1/1812, Genesee River, captured by the British vessel, "Royal George";2. 6/16/1813, …
- Other Names: Sir Sidney Smith; Magnet; 1. 7/29/1812, Sackets Harbor, was involved in the attack, armed with 12 guns;2. 11/11/1812, Kingston, Ontario, struck a reef and sank, later raised;3. 7/31/1814Other Names: Sir Sidney Smith; Magnet; 1. 7/29/1812, Sackets Harbor, was involved …
- Noted on Lake Ontario, 1803-1812;Armed with 14 guns in 1812; Cuthbertson says she was launched 5/28/1805, at the British Navy Yard;Macpherson list her as a receiving vessel in 1812, and still in exisNoted on Lake Ontario, 1803-1812;Armed with 14 guns in 1812; Cuthbertson says …
- Other Names: HMS Sauk; Somers; 1. 11/1/1811, Lake Erie, damaged in a storm and repaired;2. 8/12/1813, was in Perry's fleet during the battle with the British on Lake Erie;3. 9/11-12/1814, captured byOther Names: HMS Sauk; Somers; 1. 11/1/1811, Lake Erie, damaged in a …
- Other Names: Salina; 1. 7/12-13/1812, Michilimackinac Island, Lake Michigan, captured by the British; She was released and allowed to sail to Detroit under British protection;2. 8/25/1812, Detroit, cOther Names: Salina; 1. 7/12-13/1812, Michilimackinac Island, Lake Michigan, captured by the …
- Master: Hugunin, Hiram, (1826-1828); Ingalls, Peter, (1827-1829); Hugunin, Robert, (1827-1831); McMullen, Richard, (1828-1829); Lesco, Thomas, (1829);Master: Hugunin, Hiram, (1826-1828); Ingalls, Peter, (1827-1829); Hugunin, Robert, (1827-1831); McMullen, Richard, …
- 1. 00/00/1808, Head of Lake Ontario, ashore and released;**; Master: Martin, Anderson, (1808);1. 00/00/1808, Head of Lake Ontario, ashore and released;**; Master: Martin, Anderson, …
- Other Names: Niagara; 1. 7/29/1812, Sackets Harbor, part of a British attack carrying 24 guns at the time;2. 10/1/1812, Mouth of Genesee River, engaged in a running battle with the "Lady Murray";; MaOther Names: Niagara; 1. 7/29/1812, Sackets Harbor, part of a British attack …
- Other Names: Hunter; 1. 9/10/1813, Lake Erie, captured by Commodore Perry;2. 8/00/1816, Southampton, Ontario, Lake Huron, caught in a gale and wrecked on the beach;**; Master: Bignell, George, (1813)Other Names: Hunter; 1. 9/10/1813, Lake Erie, captured by Commodore Perry;2. 8/00/1816, …
- Other Names: Asp; 1. 11/10/1812, Lake Ontario, captured from the British by the Americans and renamed;2. 11/9/1819, between Buffalo and Black Rock, ashore and released, (salt);3. 10/12/1820, mouth ofOther Names: Asp; 1. 11/10/1812, Lake Ontario, captured from the British by …
- Other Names: Charwell; 1. 7/29/1812, Sackets Harbor, part of the British attack fleet;2. 11/00/1812, Lake Erie, captured by the Americans;; Master: Carle, Lieut., (1812); Dobbs, H., (1813); Otty, (18Other Names: Charwell; 1. 7/29/1812, Sackets Harbor, part of the British attack …
- 1. 10/5/1805 Sandy Island, St. Clair River, ashore and released;2. 10/7/1805, bar at entrance of St. Clair River, ashore and released;3. 10/21/1805, 10 miles from St. Joseph, Lake Huron, ashore and s1. 10/5/1805 Sandy Island, St. Clair River, ashore and released;2. 10/7/1805, bar …
- Other Names: General Wayne; 1. 10/8/1812, Fort Erie, Black Rock, New York, captured by Americans;**2. 6/6/1813, Black Rock, New York, collision (with a small boat), (5 lives lost); and repaired;3. BeOther Names: General Wayne; 1. 10/8/1812, Fort Erie, Black Rock, New York, …